Tomcat - Fur Country Lures - 4 Ounce
John Graham's #1 bobcat lure without a doubt, the best on the market today. Bobcat gland based, with passion and curiosity ingredients blended in to make a superior, all around ‘cat lure. This lure will call ‘cats from a distance yet won’t cause them to “shy” from the set at a few feet, like some lures seem to do. One Montana trapper reported a ‘cat changing its line of travel abruptly and heading towards a set when it caught wind of lure, from a distance of 50 yards! It can be used at a variety of sets, with great results. Also, if you want a change of pace for canines, this will do it. A super lure, with super results. John's favorite use - he uses tomcat at probably 50% of his ‘cat sets. It will work at walk throughs, flat sets, etc.