Snare Guy - DVD - Tom Krause
From the author of Dynamite Snares & Snaring comes a DVD product of 1 hour 28 minutes full of uncommon knowledge & tricks for amazing catches snaring foxes, coyotes and bobcats!
Whether you use cable restraints or killing snares, you too can take suspicious predators quickly and humanely with the experience of many years snaring in the woods, farmlands, deserts, prairies or wherever you live.
Viewing this movie on your computer or TV is like a ride-a-long with the old pro pointing out time and again the how’s and why’s of taking predators others miss with snares. Now you can get it all the easy way.
You will see many catches of predators in the high country of the west, learn to take coyotes closing your snares, and be grateful for the Swiss Army Knife soon to be in your pocket.