Runnin the Line Coon Trapping -Brian Steines & Steve Griebel
Brian Steines' "Runnin' The Line: Coon Trappin'" DVD is the second DVD in the Runnin' The Line series. This is a straight forward, fast paced video for serious trappers who want to put up big numbers of coon. Learn an efficient, common sense approach to trapping that has allowed Brian Steines and Steve Griebel to catch thousands of coon in the water and on land. Watch almost two hours of instruction on location, construction and application of various sets. You'll also see big numbers of coon in real world trapline footage and night vision video that will help you become a better trapper. As a bonus, this DVD contains instruction on how to skin, flesh and stretch your coon to receive the most out of your pelts. This video will, without a doubt, make you a better coon trapper.