K.O Double Jaw 1 1/2 CS
This trap is the strongest and heaviest on the market. Compare it to any other trap. The K.O trap is built for strength. It features a heavy 3/16 frame, 1/8 -inch cross frame and 1/8 inch jaw levers. And unlike most traps, the frame is welded not riveted. The levers and jaws are also heat treated for strength. Trap also includes a heavy duty double posted flopper pan. Also features a pan stop, extra heavy-duty chain and two swivels, a rounded and deburred dog. Also added is the NEW wicked K.O #2 springs smaller than music wire springs but stronger. Powder coated. The coating is a durable, water- based dip that is heated and cured on. It is much more effective than powder coating the trap comes coated in a nice black finish. Made in China.