Journals of a Coyotero - Don Shumaker - Book
The coyote is a mystery to many people in America and one of the most misunderstood animals we have. They are found in nearly every crack and corner of North America, in wilderness areas, farmlands, deserts, swamps, suburbs, along seashores and in cities. Even those people who have both studied and controlled coyotes will admit that there is yet much to learn about this Wiley, elusive and intelligent wild canine. The author has spent most of his life in the outdoors, studying, pursuing and controlling wildlife. He has been a trapper for 59 years and has earned much of his living for many years as a fur trapper, animal damage control trapper, hunting guide, outdoor editor and writer, wildlife photographer and other related pursuits. Shumaker has seen much and learned much, both on his own and from some of the most knowledgeable wildlife experts in America. This book takes you into the real world of the coyote, a fascinating creature, indeed. Learn the true facts about how they live, what they eat and how they evolved into ultimate survivors. Go with the author as he writes about many of his adventures dealing with coyotes across America. 250 pages