Bridger #4 Double Longspring Offset Jaw
Target Species: coyote, bobcat, lynx, etc.
Inside Jaw Spread: 5 5/8”
Outside Jaw Spread (top to bottom): 6”
Outside Jaw Spread (lever to lever): 6 3/8”
Pan dimensions: 2 ¾” x 2 ¾”
Chain: 9 ½” #2 Chain (12 total links)
Square sliding bracket at baseplate. 1 HD swivel at end of chain
Total Chain Length: 12” including swivel.
Weight: 2.40 pounds
Bridger #4 Offset Jaw Double Longspring - 6” jaw spread. Strong springs, heavy base, Excellent for coyote, bobcat, lynx, etc. Good sturdy trap, will hold up to the nastiest coyote. Chain is attached with a square sliding bracket on end of longspring.